power outage

  1. realgwyneth

    They survived a 3.5 day power outage!!

    I got the power back on after 80+ hours down. I was terrified to look into my 65g and find nothing but bodies ... but they're all, mostly, alive! I'm so happy! When the power went down, we immediately wrapped the sides and most of the top of the tank with blankets and towels. For the first...
  2. C

    African Cichlids vs Planted/Tetra Tanks During Power Loss

    I recently bought my first house, so my wife and I are excited to get our first aquarium together (I kept aquariums for 10 years from middle school through college). We are looking to get a 125 gallon aquarium and are trying to decide between doing a 'typical' Mbuna tank (just sand/Texas holey...
  3. primsloaches16

    My Worst Nightmare- How do I recover this?

    Hey yall. If any of yall are in central texas I'm sure you're aware of the record breaking cold snowstorm weve been having. My power has been out for 2 days, and I had to leave my fish tanks behind when I went to stay with a relative. (Wrapped the tanks before we left) When we came back this...
  4. Meg0000

    power outage

    Hello, I had a power outage for 1h30min so I am very worried about my fish and a lot of them turned almost white. I would like to know what I could have done better. I took the filter media, put them in the tank and then took a blanket and put it on the tank with a "emergency thermic tent" to...
  5. A

    New to Forum - Desperately need help

    Hello everyone! This may be a bit of a lengthy post, but I desperately need some help, advice, telling off, whatever the solution is to my problem... So I caught the fish bug a couple of years ago, and have upgraded tanks a couple of times during this time. I actually won my first aquarium on...