plants dying

  1. PygmyMitch

    Plants dying

    I need help in identifying the plant on the second and third picture. I believe the plant on the first picture is called Echinodorus gabrielii. The plant on the first picture has been in my tank for a couple of months now and started off really green, but has slowly turned yellow, to being...
  2. V

    New to live plants

    I have a variety of live plants in a 20 gallon. I usually keep the light on for seven hours a day. I have livebearers. I don't know much about plants and that's probably why they keep dying off. I have sand as the substrate. I've heard about all these products but I'm not sure what I would need...
  3. KatNor21

    What is eating my Hydrocotyle tripartita 'Japan'?

    Is something eating my plant? I just got it a week ago. In this tank, I have a small colony of red rili shrimp, 1 mystery snail, 1 nerite snail, and I have some hitchhikers - what I believe are tiny ramshorn snails, detritus worms, and copepods. I've seen the little snails and shrimp on the...
  4. Ellie Potts

    What am I doing wrong?!?!

    I have a 55 gallon aquarium kept at ~78-80 Degrees F on a 12 hour light cycle with multiple root tabs but no water fertilizer. The aquarium isn't fully cycled yet. My Duckweed and Anubias plants are doing great... but my Java Fern, Monte Carlo, and some other plant that I got at Petco are not...
  5. Irksome

    Trouble keeping plants alive in low light

    I’m trying to keep my tank looking beautiful but I keep running into issues. Plants keep dying, even some of the apparently easiest to keep. Im hoping for help from someone with “low tech” experience. I cannot easily add light or c02 other than changing the bulb. I’m running an Arcadia 18inch t8...
  6. K

    Help getting wisteria to grow?

    I recently redid my betta tank & added some new live plants, one being some water wisteria. I tried this plant once in the past with a different tank (planted in substrate) but it all ended up dying from the roots up. This time, it looked like the bottoms were mostly rotting when I took it out...