
  1. Fishguy13

    Post pictures of your bettas

    I thought it would be cool if everyone showed of their bettas, I like the different varieties and I am getting one pretty soon hopefully.
  2. H

    Pictures Of My 3 Aquariums

    I just started to have fish this spring!  I love it! I have 3 tanks, the newest being my Beta tank.  I also have a tank with 2 African Dwarf Frogs and a tank with Guppies and Striped Tetras.   I like to make my tanks colorful!   
  3. ashcole1989

    First New Tank All Set Up

    Hey guys! So as promised here are a few pictures of my new tank all set up! First one here is the day I filled it to make sure everything was in order http://s4.postimg.org/jlvl9oxx9/20140126_134328.jpg And then this one after it had been sat for a day! It's a little cloudy but it's...
  4. J

    Pink Tropical Fish

    Are there any pink fish? Like a intense pink? Please put pictures up and names if there is any?
  5. Miller2009

    My First Tank Picture

    hi all just thought i put a pic of my new tank i set up a couple of weeks ago hope you like it   ps had a right nightmare getting the pic file size small enough due to windows 8  