panda corys

  1. dhartIndy

    Diy Fish Food

    Shrimp and spinach sinkers 16-20 small shrimp 1/2 cup blanched spinach 1 sm section of garlic (pierced for juice) 1/2 crushed multivitamin 2 packets of unflavored gelatin Corys, danios and glass shrimp love it!
  2. dhartIndy

    Filtration Question - Spawning

    I have recently had an explosion of spawning in my 20 gallon long freshwater tank. I found a free swimming panda cory (approx 3-5 weeks old i think), 12 more panda eggs, and about 6 free swimming zebra danio fry. The tank has an aquaclear 50 hob and a backup sponge filter and lots of plants. I...
  3. eaglesaquarium

    Thunderstorm Tonight!

    Hey folks   Just wanted to share that there's a thunderstorm tonight in my area and I'm sitting here watching my panda cories go absolutely berserk!  They are going all over the place.  Some eggs will be laid tonight, for sure.  I will continue to actually do "nothing" to save the little fry...