
  1. mbsqw1d

    Odessa Barb: Do I have any females? (video)

    I have 13 Odessa Barb and now they've coloured up I'm starting to think they're all males? Could anyone check this video and see what they think? ta
  2. J

    Is 3 firemouths, 2 jewels and 6 Odessa Barb's for a 200 litre?

    3 firemouths, 2 jewels , a striped Raphael catfish and 8 Odessa barbs in a 200 litre or 47/52 gallons .
  3. P

    Pregnancy Help

    Hey guys   From these pics can I presume that my white molly is not pregnant anymore? She was a proper balloon before lol but shes still got the black spot on her back.   Also is my odessa barb pregnant?! She seems fatter and she chasing the odessa male all the time.   Thanks