
  1. Emilee Maphui

    Tetra fat or Pregnant?

    I have a 5.5 gallon with four tetras to start, a mystery snail, I think its a pond snail, and a cat fish which i believe is a Cory. I also have one Live plant. I previously has problems starting a tetra school, but they had all died. I also had a gourami that died this morning. All the sudden I...
  2. Cameronb_01

    Denison Barb - Obese Or Pregnant

    I have in my Tropical Freshwater Tank at the moment amongst other fish a shoal of six Denison Barbs. One of them, however is bloated. It is the second attached picture, the first is a normal sized one and the third is the bloated one next to one of the normal ones. I have had very few casualties...