
  1. Sparklehoofs

    At my wits end with this cycle? Desperately need advice please.

    Hi, I am cycling my sump for my Betta rack system. I am using the API Freshwater Kit. I shake the living daylights out of all the bottles before use to avoid the crystallisation. I have cycled 5 tanks previous to this with the fish food method and had no issues whatsoever. This time I decided...
  2. katienewbettakeeper

    High nitrites, low ammonia, what to do next?

    Okay so i’ve been cycling my ten gallon tank for about a week. I started with an initial dose of about 3ppm ammonia (looking back probably too high) and waited a couple days. I added a full cap of seachem stability on the first day and have been adding a half cap every day since. By day four...
  3. T

    Nitrites not growing

    So been cycling my new 14gal about 13 days now pH is a little high but i will sort that out later its over the needed amount to be ammonia. The problem is my nitrite is sitting at between .25 and .5 and doesn't seem to be growing or delevoping. Not sure if maybe i'm worrying a bit too much...
  4. S

    No nitrates are present anymore.

    Hi all. I've being doing a fishless cycle with my 19L tank. The cycle has been doing really well and recently I finally started having Nitrites and Nitrates showing up. I kept at it for a while as the Ammonia wasn't going down at all.y Nitrates ammonia and Nitrites were well over what the test...
  5. Jan Cavalieri

    What do I do to lower Nitrites

    I have never had a rise of nitrites except when I was cycling a tank. I know they are bad for your fish. Ammonia is zero, Nitrites is 1.0, Nitrates are 0, and PH is 7. How do I get Nitrites to zero. Before the water change they were .25 and I told my assistant, don't worry that should...
  6. S

    Cycling a New Tank - my test results for the first 13 days

    Hi Everyone I started fishless cycling a 24 litre tank which I picked up for an emergency - its a plastic tank with basic light and a small fluval filter. I've been running it now for 13 days and to cycle it I've been adding a pinch of fish flakes daily and dosing with API StressZyme - I...
  7. S

    Nitrites Spike every water change - Any help would be amazing!

    Hi Friends I'm new to the forum, and excuse me please for skipping out on the introduction, but I've got a bit of an urgent problem I really need some help with. If you could read through and give me some advice, I'd truly appreciate it. First, I'll cut to the facts of my set-up: Tank - 21...
  8. E

    Where are my nitrItes!?!

    Hi there. Question: I’ve been fishless cycling a new 10g tank using bacteria from a bottle for about 5 weeks and why don’t I have any nitrItes yet? I’ve been feeding the tank with 10% ammonia to try to maintain 2ppm. The ammonia has been slowly dropping again and again. I have seen an increase...
  9. Jan Cavalieri

    Some technical advice about Ammonia and Nitrites

    Three of my 4 tanks were all cycled beautifully and according to directions on this website using Ammonia. It usually took 5-7 cycles of ammonia before I could get 2 days in a row of 0's in all the right places. Where I deviated was to adjust the PH down with PHdown before fish were added. Our...
  10. PennyHardie

    Nitrites And Nitrates In My New Tank

    I have decided to start keeping fish. I have set up my tank with real plants and used Tapsafe when I added the water. I put in flints from the garden which I washed thoroughly having checked that they are suitable for tropical fresh water tanks. The nitrate and nitrite readings are really high...
  11. Doomchibi

    Can I Use Less Water Conditioner For My Water Changes?

    Recently I tested my relatively new 29g brackish aquarium's water, and it turns out my nitrites and nitrates are both very high.   My tank's water is reading as: 7.8 PH, about 180 KH, 0 chlorine, Nitrites I think around 7 or 8, the color is brighter than my chart so it may be higher, and about...
  12. FB333

    Nitrites In 1 Day!? Bloom?

    Hi all,   This is my first post on this forum, although I have been reading it for some time now.   I have recently purchased a 25l tank for a single male betta to live in.   I have planned to do a fishless cycle and have been reading about it for weeks prior to buying my tank.   I got my tank...
  13. M

    No Ammonia, Very High Nitrites...

    Hi, I have a fluval edge 46l and it has been up an running for 2 months... All has been fine when Iv done water tests, I always do a change every week. 2 days ago I got 5 more fish to bring my total to 12 so I'm now fully stocked. Did a water change when I added the new fish, today I notice 6...
  14. S

    Fishless Cycle - Nitrites Have Suddenly Gone Missing.. Help!

    Hi everyone,   I've joined this forum as I've completely hit a brick wall as to where I have went wrong with my fishless cycle.   At the start of the year I bought a fish tank as I wanted to get an axolotl. I read online about fishless cycles (as a complete beginner to fish keeping) and so I...