new filter

  1. Linkandnavi

    Moving plastic "media" from cycled internal filter to uncycled external filter

    Hi guys, Hopefully "Cycling" is the right forum as I'm hoping to prevent a new cycle. I have a fully cycled 20 gallon tank running at the moment and the first fish are in there. However, it's running an internal filter that came with the tank and I hate everything about it - it takes up a heap...
  2. Guyb93

    Changing filter

    Hi all today is pay day for me and like every month can’t help but buy something fish related also September being my birthday month I have decided to treat myself and buy a fluval fx6 which is a huge up grade from my 406 my question is is it safe to just put a new filter straight into my tank ...
  3. PennyHardie

    An Addiction!

    Your help here has been fantastic... so fantastic that I am obsessed  with my fish tank and have ordered another slightly bigger one, hoping to run them both. I am going to transfer the fish in the first tank to the new one. Am I right in assuming that I should put all the eater in from the...
  4. K

    Upgrading Tank Size

    Hi everyone, I need a bit of advice with regards to setting up a new tank. I recently purchased a new 260L tank online second hand with a fluval 305 external filter, currently i have a 120L tank with a fluval u3 internal filter.   What is the easiest safest way to transfer my fish to the new...
  5. P

    Need Advice

    I have a 20 gal aquarium with a commet goldfish, and I need to change the filter pad, the problem is, my nearest pet shop dont handle the brand I use which is Top Fin. I went to the store and one of the employees told me that if I used a filter pad that wasn´t the same brand as my filter, it...