
  1. P

    Friend’s sick betta

    My friend has two betta fish. One of them died today. We can’t figure out what’s going on so I seek help here. The symptoms are: -not eating (it’s been a week now) -swim bladder -stays at the bottom of the tank and only goes up for air My friend has tried everything, epsom salt baths, treated...
  2. mrstwalker

    Worried About Betta

    So yesterday my obsession got the best of me and I got a beautiful veil tail lavender betta for a deal i couldnt pass up.. $1.45 at the LPS,   anyway.. I put my new buddy (Mystic) in a 1 gal tank and he has been VERY VERY shy (compared to my crowntail betta who is the same size tank) he just...
  3. S

    Swortail Lethargic And Not Eating.

    Hi,    Im new to the forum but i have been reading other posts here for some time now. I have a 20G tank with 3 dalmatians molly, 1 panda platy, 1 female swordtail and 1 male swordtail. Since past 3 weeks, the male swordtail has been very lazy and not eating much. When this first started...