keyhole cichlid

  1. D

    Whats coming out of my keyhole?

    I noticed my keyholes forehead area color was changing so I did water change but figured it was due to stress since my beta died and they've been together for years (beta was old no signs of sickness) but then today I noticed this. What is it and how do I treat it?🥺
  2. D

    Keyhole sex?

    I'm trying to figure out the sex lol I know the other one I have is male. I thought they were bonded but then I changed their tank around and switch out plants but since then this one has been in hiding and stressed. I found it buried in the sand under driftwood. I took them both out and...
  3. D

    Keyhole sex?

    I'm pretty confident I got a pair (I watched them for an hour to make sure they were bonded and wouldn't kill eachotger before I got them) and I've had them for a few months and I just wanted to double check :) tank is cloudy because I redid the tank including adding some new sand
  4. O

    Should I get keyhole cichlids?

    I have a 60 gallon tank that's a few weeks old, so pretty new. Currently, it's a peaceful with a few guppies, platys, mollys, tetras, and a single dwarf gourami. I've been looking to finish this tank off with a keyhole cichlid since they've been my favorite fish for a while and my main...
  5. K

    Very Sick Keyhole Cichlid

    Hi, :)   I've owned my Keyhole cichlid, Fluffy, for about a month and a half now. and for about three weeks she's been extremely ill and I cant figure out what it is. I've tried everything, from anti bacterial, to anti fungal, to ich, to fasting her for bloat. she just wont get better. I also...