
  1. P

    Albino Oscar

    I inherited an albino Oscar about 3 years ago now. At first, things were going well. He grew and loved eating and ripping up and knocking over everything in his tank. Lately, though, he keeps getting sick. Right now he has a cloudy, white circle covering his eye, I think he may have hole in the...
  2. Flinkbag

    Need help with Green Severum

    Hello all, I have a beautiful young Green Severum cichlid in a 200l community tank. He's usually very active and friendly, but recently he's been hiding under some Anubias leaves towards the back of my tank, and I've noticed he has small, whitish indents all around his head. These seem to be...
  3. Flinkbag

    Hole-In-The-Head On Firemouth Cichlid?

    Hello all!   So I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and like all was well with the world. I stepped outside my bedroom and BAM! I instantly noticed than my Firemouth Cichlid seemed to have a white, indented dot on his head. I'm fearing the worst, but I really want someone to prove me...