hex tank

  1. Circus

    25 Hex Tall Tank Mates

    So, I have 25 hex tank, it is about 10" on each side and 21" tall. I would say the footprint is about the same as 15 gallon. My ph is 7.4 and hardness about 110 ppm. Currently in the tank I have 8 pygmy corydoras, some cherry shrimp, and various pond and ramshorn snails (who I feed to my...
  2. mbbowman

    Returning to the Fish World

    Hi! I was a member here long ago, back when I had a lovely 38 gallon plantic tank with my favorite Botia kubotai and tiger barbs. Between two moves and building a house, my tank has set empty for probably 6 or so years. We finally finishing our basement, and now my eyes are set towards a new...
  3. squidsagirl420

    Lighting For 30Gal Hex Tank

    Had a question relating to lighting. I have a 35 gallon 25inch tall, 10inch hex. what would be a good hood and lighting for it? I like a lot of plants :) thank you! I do have the "top" but its not great... so a whole piece would be fine. but not necessary.  also, LED would be fine. I...