guppy colors

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  1. Bksulli1

    What type of guppy?

    I have been breeding guppies and this is the first fry I have brought to maturity. They have beautiful colors and are almost holographic. I do not know the type that the females are and I have no clue what males they were bred with. Does anyone know if there is a specific name for this type of...
  2. F

    Help identifying male guppies

    Hello, I’m unsure if these red tuxedo x guppies are male, they’re a few months old but exhibit signs of both sex: As you can see they have stripes on their body and what looks like gonopodiums that they move around (left, right, tucked) as they swim. It’s also hard to see the gravid spot because...
  3. misshedge

    Guppy turning black... ish?

    My male fancy guppy (Slash) has been doing absolutely fine, and I've had him for about four weeks or so. Although, just recently, I've noticed a spot on the front of his dorsal fin that has turned solid black in the morning, and a more transparent grey in the evenings. It is also on a thin line...
  4. B

    Best Guess Colors

    So, I am by no means a fish breeder, it was never my intention. However, sometimes we find baby guppies at work, and I normally take them home. They normally get eaten. That's kind of what I expect. I've had four however that defied the odds and survived... Three females, and a male. Since...