
  1. L

    plecos, ich and salt???

    Hi all, I’m new here, so please be gentle. I have a 105l tank (27.74 us gallons) & 2 fancy goldfish (1 oranda & 1 shubunkin) and a small Bristlenose Pleco. It’s looking like my goldies have ich. I’ve been reading up about treatments & am slowly increasing the tank temp from 23C (73.4F) which is...
  2. cooledwhip

    Goldfish Are Not Eating Any Food

    This is kind of a longer story, sorry:   A while ago my LFS show orandas had a massive spawning and I jumped on this and purchased 8 oranda babies. I bought them and they were still brown/black and about a quarter inch long in size.   I bought them about a week ago. I split them up, I put three...