
  1. ShannonKoletti

    Ellioti Aggression

    Hi! I've had my Ellioti Cichlid for almost two years now and he's gotten quite large, lately I thought my tank was a bit bare so yesterday I bought a bright Peacock Cichlid. My Ellioti is about double the size of my new fish and he's been beating him up since I've fed them this morning. Any...
  2. SouthernCross

    Pic Post - Please Help Confirm Sex Of My Elliotis

    Hi all, So I've finally gotten hold of some of these guys! I am keen to confirm what sex they might be. Thereis a lot of chasing going on by the one I think is male towards the ? female. If they do pair up I have a spare three footer I'm hoping to move them into if they do, as there's potential...