dwarf rasbora

  1. Tacocat

    Shiny rasbora?

    I have a pair(2 of same species, both female[I think]) of Boraras Malactus(pretty sure they are), in my 5 gal. Lately I noticed that in the mornings one of them becomes shiny. You can see it's eyes, gills and tail are shiny, while in these cases the other rasbora's gills are the only parts...
  2. A

    Dwarf Rasbora in a ten gallon?

    Hey, can anyone tell me how many dwarf/pygmy Rasbora I can put in a ten gallon? Considering on average most are .75inches full grown with a few reaching an 1inch I was thinking about 10-12. Six I believe is the minimum and the bigger the school the more comfortable they are, so I want the max...
  3. sharkydog

    Male Betta In 10 Gallon With Dwarf Rasboras?

    Considering the tank would be heavily planted and the betta is tolerant of other fish(I am just trying to spread my options to some fish I think I would like, pygmy cory is already my 'back up' for tank mates if I don't find something I like more), could maybe 8 dwarf rasboras do well with a betta?