
  1. F

    guppy with mass in stomach area

    there is a red growth on the guppy i put in some medicine but i don't know if i need to do anything else or what it is
  2. O

    New Betta Fish

    Hi, I'm new here. I'm not really experienced with fish, but I do want to make sure that I take care of them correctly. I recently got a new Betta at my local pet store, the owner is a huge fish lover and has had the store for over 30 years, I trust them immensely and go there instead of Petco...
  3. A

    Betta Dark Spots

    Around a week ago I brought home a new Betta, and for the past few days he's been pretty inactive. This morning he finally started swimming around, but he has some dark spots on his head , each one about the size of his eye (and some merging together - they look like some of his scales were...
  4. A

    advise on white spot please

    Hi I purchased some fish last Saturday. I didnt realise they had them till it was too late and they were in my tank they had white spot. I started white spot treatment on my tank as soon as the shop opened the next day.Using WS3 original. I was hoping that this would stop my fish getting it as I...
  5. Valiant

    Albino Corydora With Swim Bladder Diease

    One of my cory catfish has swim bladder diease because last night I saw him trying to swim on his side and upside down and when he was on the sand he would roll over to get to places on the sand. I tryed giving him peas but he wouldn't eat and now hes just laying upright on the sand. I'm really...