
  1. Linkandnavi

    White (slightly stringy) lips on two Boesemani Rainbows

    Hi all, Two of my Boesemani Rainbows have developed white growths on their upper lips. It appears slightly stringy/cottony. I`m just getting a quarantine tank up to temperature and will transfer them over. That said, I`ve been looking extensively online and from the descriptions it could...
  2. Benson87

    Fungus? HELP Betta won’t eat and just hides all day

    Hi, this is my first post. I have a newish 125l tank which was cycled at the back end of last year. We added a new Betta to the tank last week (also in tank 10 Espe’s Rasboras and live plants). At first he appeared very happy and explored the tank all day. Over the last day or two we have...
  3. S

    Columnaris or fungus?? Cory cat

    Tank size: 20ga pH: 6.5 nitrite N02: 0 nitrate N03 20 General hardiness GH: 30 Carbonate hardness KH: 40 tank temp: 77-78 Filtration: topfin 20 + whisper 20 set for low Current tank inhabitants: 3 neon tetras, 5 harlequin rasbora, 1 cobra guppy, 1 panda cory My panda cory got fuzzy! Didn't...