combining tanks

  1. Peepss

    Combining Tanks & Increasing Volume

    hey everyone! I have a couple tanks currently that I, ideally, would like to combine into a single, large tank. I have a 10 gallon that has become way over stocked with guppy fry (thank u very much guppies) with an Opaline Gourami as the pièce de résistance and a 10 gallon with a few Angels...
  2. R

    Upgrading to a bigger tank eek!

    Hi all, having started fish keeping six months ago with two 30 ltr tanks we are upgrading to a larger 160ltr tank. We want to combine our inmates in one freshwater tank. We have 3 platties, 5 white mountain minows, 6 armino shrip and snails in one and 2or3 greenfire tetra and 5 barbs with 4...