
  1. N

    Microscopic things swimming in my bettas tank

    My beta passed away and I noticed these tiny little things floating in the tank and they are everywhere! Can anyone identify what they are?
  2. N

    Small bug on frogbit

    I got frogbit plants from a local fish keeper. 1 week After putting them in my tank, I noticed small tick like bugs on top of the frogbits. They have spread to every frogbit and Lilly pad I have in the aquarium! I asked the person who gave it to me and he said he grows those frogbits in a...
  3. S

    White aquarium bugs that can jump on humans????

    I work at a pet store and the other day a few staff members were cleaning out the betta fish display when they found some white, mite like bugs, which were almost translucent. We emptied the whole system and tried to suck up the bugs through a gravel siphon. Since then we have treated the system...
  4. A

    Lethargic Betta

    Hi! My betta was acting weird when I came home Thursday night. He was hiding and laying on the bottom, which is fairly normal for him, but it didn’t seem right. So I fed him and then kept the lights off. Yesterday, he was breathing hard and had clamped fins so I moved him to a plastic container...
  5. J CZA

    Bugs in new aquatic plants?!

    heyo I just got some salvinia for my 75g and I got it for $2 since the plants were dying off and not in a tank but in a plastic bowl. The shop I went to was a hour away and by far the biggest shop I’ve ever gone too. I got home and put my bag of fish in to settle down and was gunna add some...
  6. J

    Brown "bugs" Infestation In Aquarium. Please Help

    hi all- I suddenly have some type of infestation in my aquarium. It is what appears to be SUPER tiny brown bugs floating all over the water, sticking to the sides, in the gravel and even on my Oscar (see attached pic). In the past two days they have gotten worse. Its like it is snowing brown...