
  1. B

    (Need Help) Betta Fish still bloated after 3 days of fasting and daily Epsom salt baths.

    He's currently in a 1.5 gal quarantine tank haven't added him into the 5G main tank which is fully cycled and currently just filled with a few shrimp. There is a heater and a filter for the hospital tank, at 77-78F, I only had my betta for 3-4 weeks and I been feeding him and fasting for one day...
  2. O

    Bloated Betta..need help!

    I know Betta's are freshwater fish, but I saw posts here so I thought I would see if anyone might have answers for me. On Christmas morning I noticed my beloved Betta, Sebastian was bloated. In looking at the photos, nothing has changed since then. I'm so mad at myself because he may have been...