black water

  1. E

    Brachygobius doriae in backwater?

    On seriously fish, it says populations of Brachygobius doriae can be found in blackwater swamps with negligible hardness so I'm wondering if store brought ones can be adjusted to blackwater conditions? Has anyone kept them in blackwater? If you have what was the hardness and the pH? Also if they...
  2. Guyb93

    Having a Goldilocks moment

    Iv settled for this level of tannins after a few hours of too dark too light Iv settle in this being just right lol , any thoughts ? It’s a little darker than I first wanted but the roobios tea I used had a real deep red to its darkness , not fully happy with the hard scape looking at getting a...
  3. Guyb93

    Tomorrow I start my tannins

    Tomorrow I’m going to change my 500l South American tank to black water , I have decided to use roobios tea as it seems easy and cheap I’m hoping to boil up 10 litres of concentrate and poor into the rest of the tank , I plant to use 10 of the tea bags which is 110g of roobios I think should...
  4. Guyb93

    How to sustain black water aquarium

    Ok been giving a long hard thought on black water , my tank volume is 500l I would like mild to moderate tannins so I’m assuming I’d have a ph drop from 6.5 to around 4.5-5 , I have multiple questions , my stock is no doubt suited so no worries there but to gain that initial black water with a...
  5. FreshwaterAfishianado

    55 Gal. Sa Black(Ish) Water Tank (Pics)

    So I'm starting this journal a little late, the tank has been running a little while now but it has been slow going so I figured I would share what I've done so far.   The original plan was to do a biotope centered around the Lake Valencia Basin in Venezuela, which is the only lake in which wild...
  6. J

    Water Conditioners

    I am setting up a black water biotope 50 gal aquarium, and a similar 35 litre quarantine or hospital tank. I ran the 35 litre tank with sand, bogwood, and almond leaves and the ph stabilised at 6.5, with GH at 3o DH. I then added Nutrafin Aqua+ to remove any chloramines, chlorine or heavy...