black neon tetra

  1. J

    Moving fish to new tank, not sure of the best way

    Hi, can’t figure out the best way to do this even after many hours googling. I took on my friends fish, a black neon tetra and bristle nose in a 23L tank. Obviously too small and the neon should be with others. I have bought and set a 200L tank for them, what is the best way to do the move...
  2. P

    Black neon tetra sudden behavior change

    Hi all, I just found this forum in hopes of finding some help/answers, and I'm reaching out here since this seems like a very helpful community of experienced hobbyists. I'm hoping to get some help diagnosing my black neon's issue. I do not have the tools/equipment for exact numbers for water...
  3. C

    Stocking Angelfish

    I am going to start a new 30 gallon tall fresh water mostly planted tank. I'm planning on fishless cycling once i get my soil and plants in. My stocking ideas are 2 Angelfish, 4 Black Neon Tetra, 5 Cherry Barbs, and 3 Dwarf Sucker fish. I chose those tetras because they are bigger than the...