
  1. PaulJohnSmith

    What Will My Fry Look Like And How Would You Manage Them?

    Hi all, I have a pair of big ear red tail guppies, see link for picture, which I hoped to breed and have more beautiful guppies like them. The female became ready to give birth and I assume that due to them being the only pair in my tank the male harrassed the female and he/she ate most of the...
  2. mrstwalker

    Ordering Fish - Help!

    Here lately the stock of Bettas and Orandas at the LFS have been pretty lousy. I am looking to set up a tank for either a betta (already have 2) or  2 Oranda goldfish. I am looking to purchase quality fish of either species from a good breeder.   Does anyone know a good website I could purchase...