bacteria bloom?

  1. sweeteybabey

    Strange White Film In Cycling Tank?

    I've been cycling my tank for a few days (with flakes and Fritz Zyme 7), and I was wondering if anyone else has had this white film? I haven't tested the parameters yet (I'm planning to on Monday), but I just need to know if this is something harmful or just a natural part of the cycle? It...
  2. Ian.ryan


    Hi I have my first fish in my new tank, fish and plants doing well ammonia is 0 nitrite is 0 nitrate is 40 ppm. over the last couple of day, I have noticed that the water has become cloudy, the fish have been in 4 days so tonight I have cleaned the glass and cleaned the gravel and the top filter...
  3. B

    Algae Problem And Slightly Cloudy Water

    I have been having some problems in my 240 gallon tank with algae issues. the tank is situated near a window, adding indirect light which may be a problem but it is almost always covered with a curtain. We do partial water change once every two weeks and change carbon on a steady basis, as well...