
  1. H

    Where to find adopter for betta in NJ?

    Hello, I foster betta fish, which means I take them in from bad pet stores, rehabilitate them, and find them good forever homes. Our newest rescue is ready to be adopted, and for the past few fish putting up the information on Reddit has worked, but for some reason no one is responding to our...
  2. F

    Platy in need of a good home

    I rescued two platys from Walmart last night. Seeing the two of them in the smallest most disgusting looking tank, I'd ever seen and knowing that my betta's 6.5-gallon tank was cycled, heated and filtered sitting empty. (Betta's in quarantine for a nasty case of fin rot) I had to do something...
  3. WhiskeyHands

    Adoption For Large Tanks

    Hey guys, first off i was looking for somewhere to post this message but couldn't find a place on the forum for adoption and I guess posting it here would be okay.   I also live in Montreal, Canada. More precisely in the West Island. So, if any of you are interested in this, you could come pick...