
  1. K

    Amano shrimp disappearing act.

    Hello! So I've got a 5gal lightly planted aquarium with some oto's ,Danios, a betta, and 2 amano shrimp. The amano shrimp were added in yesterday they seemed to be doing fine all night. They were eating algae like nobody's business. This morning I look around for them and am unable to find...
  2. M

    Snail To Eat Algea In A 5G Tank?

    In my 5g betta tank there has been alot of algea growing, i do try to get rid of it by cleaning all of the decorations in the tank and the glass and it just seems to be growing back within afew days. I would really like a snail in my tank, what snail shall i get that does not have babies with...