Redoing Tank

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Fish Addict
Apr 2, 2004
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Hi, After much though and a newly aquired female betta from wal-mart. i have decided to redo my tank into a female betta tank.
currently it its set up like this:(oh yea...its a 55 gallon)

5 Pearl Danios
1 Zebra danio
4 Spotted Corys
2 bronze Corys
4 Black skirt tetra
2 undied parrot fish
----1 choco or common pleco havenbt diecided yet
(have them in my ten decided which one to put in)


UGF, 1 powerhead, rocks(flag stone) and structures, plastic plants, gravel and others

Could the female bettas get along in there with the following fish? Look at my profile for a pic of it! Im thinking maybe around 5 bettas, I have also heard that you can put a male in there if a tank is big and has enough hiding places.
well...heres the pic of it! Sorry i didnt know you can add pics! -_- :D


  • MVC_048F.JPG
    56.1 KB · Views: 31
5 Pearl Danios
1 Zebra danio
4 Spotted Corys
2 bronze Corys
4 Black skirt tetra
2 undied parrot fish
----1 choco or common pleco havenbt diecided yet
(have them in my ten decided which one to put in)

no to the zebra danio. the pearls should be fine. the bst are also nippers, so no to them. no idea how you could keep parrets with the fish you have now, as they are way to aggresive for those kind of fish. the pleco and corries would be fine though.

so unless you have another tank to put them in, no. and yes people do have males and females together, but thats still a no, no matter how big it is, they probly wont fight because they will be able to establish theyre teritories, but i wouldnt risk it.

edit. i looked in your prifile, and you have 5 empty tanks, why not just use those?? a ten would be perfect.
the problem is sapce....I have those tucked away in the garage and right now my room is full of tanks and such....So unless i can convince my mom(my dad loves fish, but takes to my mothers side :p ) I can't have anymore fish in the house. :-(
no idea how you could keep parrets with the fish you have now, as they are way to aggresive for those kind of fish.

My parrots were in a small tank with a local rock bass, and we terrorized by it. When i released the bass, i moved them into the 55 and they are still skidish around my other fish.
I was planning to build a betta aquarium(divided) see this link for more...

But Im still edging towards this type of cage. I'm planning to redo this tank sometime wih a main pile or tower of rocks in the middle surrounded by plants. How can I move my fish around to make this happen?
Sorry if I sound ignorant but what are parrot fish? Could you post a pic? Do you mean blood parrots? Cause if not the only other parrotfish I know of is marine.
Yea blood Parrots, but they aren't dyed. They are brown and black but have not recieved any color treatments of anykind.
Well due to a mini "masacre" due to poison water. Now i only have:

3 Pearl Danios
3 Spotted Corys
2 bronze Corys( I also got 2 Albino)
2 undied parrot fish

Could female bettas get along with these fish? And if not what else can i get? I was hoping on getting some Dwarf Rainbowfish.... -_-
Don't parrot fish get really big? Otherwise I'd say it would be fine for at least 10 females,as long as proper cover is supplied.
Well i belive i shrunk my parrots because when I was low on money they were in my ten gallon.... :unsure:

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