Lethargic, uninterested panda cory

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Penelope .R

Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2020
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Hi, I should start by saying I'm new to this i guess.
I've had my 25 gallon tank since the beginning of December. Originally it was stocked with one betta, two African dwarf frogs, two corys (a panda and a pepper), and one snail.
Today my original panda cory has been lethargic seeming and dosen't move much. He's mostly sitting in shady spots and dosen't react to anything that happens around him.
My water parameters are all perfect right now because I added three Kuhli loaches yesterday and have been doing water changes every other day since they can be very sensitive. I also added four new corys yesterday (the first two were a gift). The rest of the corys are acting how I've read they're supposed to, hanging together and active, except for my one panda.
On the outside I can't find anything wrong with him.
Unfortunately I'll be traveling the next two days so I can't do anything about it until Monday night or Tuesday, but I'd figure I'd ask if someone could help anyway.

In the tank is one betta, five AFD'S, five cory cats (pandas and peppers), three Kuhli loaches, five tiny little celestial pearl danios, and five snails (mystery and nerite snails). It's well planted with sand substrate and driftwood hiding spots.
Ph is 7.2 ish, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and I forget what the nitrate was but it was in a good range. Temperature is around 75 to 78 but can fluctuate depending on the day. 20210207_001640.jpg
What does his poop look like?
If it’s white stringy then it might be parasite infection.

Most fish med doesn’t work well with frogs so make sure to move him out to qt tank (match the temperature beforehand)
What does his poop look like?
If it’s white stringy then it might be parasite infection.

Most fish med doesn’t work well with frogs so make sure to move him out to qt tank (match the temperature beforehand)
I haven't noticed his poop specifically, but I haven't seen any white poop in the tank.
That's why I'm getting more nervous, I have a little tank I could separate him into, but I'd rather avoid medication if I can. Right now I'm just doing lots of water changes so at least he's not stressed from that.
He looks like an old fish to me.
You think? He and my first peppered are pet smart fish, so not in good health to begin with. They were both gifts so I quarantined them for a while before putting them in the tank, but they both seemed pretty okay when I first got them, the panda seemed a bit depressed but I thought it was because he was alone.
I haven't noticed his poop specifically, but I haven't seen any white poop in the tank.
That's why I'm getting more nervous, I have a little tank I could separate him into, but I'd rather avoid medication if I can. Right now I'm just doing lots of water changes so at least he's not stressed from that.
Try to do large water changes like 50-75% to see if it helps.

and No, it’s not an old fish imo.

@Colin_T will help you.
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