Bamboo shrimp scavenging on the substrate so I target fed. Did I do this right?

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Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2019
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New Orleans
So I got my bamboo shrimp last Wednesday. I left for vacation on Friday to Wednesday. I saw him fanning before I left. I noticed him scavenging through the substrate today. I took some tank water and a tad of freeze dried brine shrimp. I used a syringe that I use for testing my water to get the water with brine shrimp in it from the cup. I took the syringe and started to push the water with shrimp in his face and I saw him fan and catch the shrimp bits. Did I do this right?
If the shrimp catches its food, then you did this right.
Whenever I see my vampire shrimp fanning, I crush up fish flakes into a container then I put 1 ounce of water into that container and pour it straight on the poor shrimp. She gets flaky fans (her fans are full of flakes)! I love fan shrimp..
If the shrimp catches its food, then you did this right.
Whenever I see my vampire shrimp fanning, I crush up fish flakes into a container then I put 1 ounce of water into that container and pour it straight on the poor shrimp. She gets flaky fans (her fans are full of flakes)! I love fan shrimp..
Ok great! How can I tell if they still aren’t getting enough food? How often do you do this?
Ok great! How can I tell if they still aren’t getting enough food? How often do you do this?
I do it at least once a week. Sometimes I leave the shrimp with no food for longer as they do find some particles to eat from the water column.
Do you have a place set up for them to sit below the current in your tank? This is the easiest place for them to feed.

Unlike vampire shrimp, these guys cant move their fans around to catch food and need the current to push it into their fans. So they sit in the current.

Take a small twig of driftwood or a dried oak or beech branch and take a suction cup and place it right under the filter outlet on your tank. It may take a bit for him to find it, but eventually he will.

Take crushed flakes or crushed powdered pellets and drop it right into the current under the water for him.

Also, they like companions, so look into getting a couple more bamboo shrimp :)

Culturing green water for them is also a good idea as they feed on this in the wild too. Most bamboo shrimp are wild caught so are a little difficult to care for compared to other shrimp.

But he really needs a current to feed. You may find he will hide during the day and come out at night, so check about an hour after dark and you may see him out under the current. This is the best time to target feed them.

Even a branch going up into the current is good. Mine recently found the inlet tube of the filter and sat there lol

Do you have a place set up for them to sit below the current in your tank? This is the easiest place for them to feed.

Unlike vampire shrimp, these guys cant move their fans around to catch food and need the current to push it into their fans. So they sit in the current.

Take a small twig of driftwood or a dried oak or beech branch and take a suction cup and place it right under the filter outlet on your tank. It may take a bit for him to find it, but eventually he will.

Take crushed flakes or crushed powdered pellets and drop it right into the current under the water for him.

Also, they like companions, so look into getting a couple more bamboo shrimp :)

Culturing green water for them is also a good idea as they feed on this in the wild too. Most bamboo shrimp are wild caught so are a little difficult to care for compared to other shrimp.

But he really needs a current to feed. You may find he will hide during the day and come out at night, so check about an hour after dark and you may see him out under the current. This is the best time to target feed them.

Even a branch going up into the current is good. Mine recently found the inlet tube of the filter and sat there lol

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Thanks for the info. There is a piece of spider wood at the bottom of the tank but is directly under the current. I see him on there at night all of the time. He was hiding behind the pants but there was still current. All of my hard scape is towards the middle and there is space between the glass and rocks on both sides so there is current all around the tank. I can tell by the plants moving.
Thanks for the info. There is a piece of spider wood at the bottom of the tank but is directly under the current. I see him on there at night all of the time. He was hiding behind the pants but there was still current. All of my hard scape is towards the middle and there is space between the glass and rocks on both sides so there is current all around the tank. I can tell by the plants moving.
Okay so when you see him at night under the current on your spiderwood, put powdered food straight into the current for him to catch :)
Ok thanks for the help. How often do you do this?
Id do it each day you see him sitting there to be sure he gets as much nutrition as possible. Itd be worth getting some spirulina powder, or spirulina based flakes to feed to him as well
Id do it each day you see him sitting there to be sure he gets as much nutrition as possible. Itd be worth getting some spirulina powder, or spirulina based flakes to feed to him as well
Ok. Where can I find the powder?

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