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Aug 20, 2017
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hello. I'm a newbie here and hoping to get some help. I recently purchased 2 German Blue Rams and they developed tan color spots on their fins and tail. It started with one spot on the dorsal fin of one ram about a week ago, and is now spreading. The other ram got infected 2 days ago and showing the same spots. They are both very active and eating properly, and neither ram is acting inappropriately. I took the initial infected ram to my LFS and they said it was possibly a parasite, and gave me so RALLY to treat for 3 days per the instructions. Well it didn't help and the problem is getting worse. Please help with any info possible.
This is my current aquarium setup:

30 gallon planted tank
Seacham flourite substrate
Different species of anubias and swords
Fluval 406 canister filter
10 cardinal tetras
4 Cory
2 German blue rams
1 yoyo loach
7 Amano shrimp
PH - 6.8
DH - 6
KH - 6
Temp - 83

10 gal RO water change once a week
Seacham equalibrium, alkalinity buffer, and acid buffer used to get my water parameters where I want them. It is very stable water without much change and kept very clean.
Attached are some pics of my GBR's

Thank you

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