Mollie's pregnant? Need your advise

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Mar 20, 2017
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Hello! I'm new here and into the tropical fish world. About a month go, I got 3 mollies and 2 tetras. The mollies are 2 female and 1 male. I'm wondering if my females are pregnant. I don't know much so I was hoping I could get some options. The Dalmatian Molly is hard to tell but she looks a bit puffy in her belly. The yellow one looks like she's got a darker area going on... but hard to tell probably in the pictures. Can I please have some opinions? I'm so clueless if they are pregnant, what I should be doing.


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Try fasting them for a day or two then if the bulge is still their it may be a pregnant molly depending on what happens
Try fasting them for a day or two then if the bulge is still their it may be a pregnant molly depending on what happens

Thanks for your response :) It's ok to do that? What about the other fish in the tank?
Fish can go several days without food, they'll be fine. It's usually safe to assume, if the female has ever been in the presence of a male, that she is pregnant. Livebearing fish (mollies, platies, guppies, etc) can hold onto sperm for months.
Thank you! I will try that! Also my male won't leave the 2 females alone. He keeps chasing them. Should I take him out and separate him?
Male livebearers are very persistent. :/ What size is the tank? Are the females acting lethargic or showing stress?
The tank is 12 gallons. What are some of the stress signs? I think the females seem to be ok. I just feel bad because they can't seem to ever catch a break from him and enjoy life lol
Hiding, clamped fins, panting, refusing to eat. If they're not, they should be okay.

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