New 43Gal/163 Liters Aqua One 850 Black Tank

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Mostly New Member
Mar 18, 2014
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Hello Everyone,
It's me again.
Some of you might have already read both my previous threads:
- The introduction thread:
- The question thread
As I have mentioned previously, I was going to look for a tank that is a little bigger and more suitable for my fishes. So, I went to one of the LFSs in Melbourne, Australia, Pet World, and got myself a big enough tank (bigger than I intended) for my little family members. The shop located almost an hour drive from my house. I managed to make my decision after watching some YouTube videos on my phone.
My first tank was:
photo 1.JPG
and it is going to be this:
photo 2.JPG
I spent almost an hour deciding on which tank should I get and I never regretted my decision.
I had a couple of friends filling up the tank for me after I have set it up.
My plan for the tank
I am not going to set too many "to do" for now however, I really would like to get an aquarium background via eBay. Next, I will get some red pebbles/gravels, some artificial plants, blue LEDs air stone (will attach a photo I found on eBay below), stones, woods and some extra buildings. I will make it as colourful as possible. I am currently searching for a few buildings similar to my current Ofish n chips that is in the picture. Planning to make it look like a fish city with government centre, shopping centre, fish market would be cool and etc. I will also place a bridge on top of the air stone just to cover the device.
Air Stone with LEDs:
Air Stone.jpg
I am also looking for a side blowing air pump. Not sure if you know what I mean. Instead of blowing air downwards or upwards, it blows sideways. I think it will look cool. I found one from Kmart but couldn't search for any reviews on google so I dropped it.
So guys, this is my latest update. I will be cycling my tank with fishes in it since I bought them already.
One of the pros to have this Aqua One tank with built-in cover is the ability to conceal as much smell as possible since the tank is in my room. My 5 gallon tank is releasing too much odor that it makes my room smells like LFS.
Will provide more pictures while attempting to cycle my tank successfully.
BTW, by following printed instructions on my quick start, stress coat and water conditioner bottle, I have dropped 10ml for each 10 gallons, 5ml for each 10 gallons and 1 teaspoon for each 2.5 gallon, respectively. Although the instruction told me to do 1 teaspoon of water conditioner (salt) for each 2.5 gallon, I actually did 1 for each 5 gallon just because I think 17 teaspoons are too much. Please let me know if I am doing it wrong.
Goodnight peeps.
Hey guys,
I am not sure if anyone is reading my post but I have a sad update.
First of all, I went to one of my Local Pet Store named, Pet Stock, to get some gravel stones so I can start decorating my tank for my fishes.
Photo 1.jpg
Sadly when I got back, I found my fish very weak. I am not sure if these are the red blood spot cause by some worm disease for new tank that everyone is talking about.
Photo 2.jpg
Or because of my ammonia level is sky high. Nitrite and Nitrate are both 0. I am not sure why my tank won't cycle.
photo 3.JPG
If my ammonia level is the culprit, all of my fish will be weak by now but they are all fine.
She stopped eating since last night and found her lying at the bottom of my tank since evening. Pet shops are closed, I ran out of stress coat, quick start and water conditioner as I just did a water change on my 163 liters tank.
I just changed the tank water yesterday for my 5 gal which is where my fishes are right now and added stress coat, quick start and water conditioner. Amount added referred to instructions.
Please save my fish. What can I do? I do not want her to die. She is still alive right now but she is very weak. I don't think I can sleep well tonight cause I know she will be dead by morning.
I'm not sure what you can do other than change the water, which you can't do since you don't have dechlorinator :/ I wonder if you could move them to the bigger tank and transfer the filter media as well?
Mariah, I think I can transfer it over but will it help because my tank is full of ammonia with 0 nitrite and nitrate. If I move the dying guppy to my larger tank will it intoxicate the water too?
Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong?
I change my water once every 2 days. I thought ammonia supposed to turn into nitrite then to nitrate but there is neither nitrite nor nitrate in my tank at the moment.
Is the big tank full of ammonia or just the small one? If it's just the small tank that has an ammonia reading then I'd move the fish to the larger tank and move your filter media as well.
The thing that's wrong is your 5g is overstocked and IIRC you didn't cycle it, right?
It is supposed to but it takes a long time to do a fish-in cycle, unfortunately. :/
Hope I'm not coming off as rude!
Not rude at all.
There is white dots on all of their bodies. Are you familiar with that?
I have moved them.
photo 1.JPG
And left my female guppy here alone.
photo 2.JPG
I am going to buy some medication and stress coat for all of them tomorrow morning.
Just found out my fishes are infected with ICH disease. I am going to get ICH treatment tomorrow.
Are they all covered in it? I'd move the female guppy over as well if that's the case and treat them all.
Sorry you're having to go through this. I'd recommend a medication but not sure what you have over there.
Hi Mariah or anyone?
Do we need the the quick start daily dose? If so, how much do I need for my 163 liters tank?
Not sure what's quick start is :/ sorry, and sorry all this is happening and I would agree to add all the fish to the big tank and the guppy there should be enough water in the 43 gallon to dilute all the ammonia, and ich is a stage of the cycle I believe so that is why your fish got infected, and the red dots were most likely ammonia burns on the guppy. I wouldn't add anymore fish to the 43 gallon until all levels are normal ok.
You could also use heat and salt to treat the ich, but I might do the medication, as I'm not sure how far the ich is in.
I havn't used quick start. Most of that stuff is rubbish anyways but imagine it wouldn't hurt to try. Not sure how much to add though
Is THIS it?
Hi, first off, great choice of tank. I have a smaller version and my older brother recently bought himself one like yours. Very nice aquariums.
Your fish have ich. Sorry. IME ich is more easily cured by-
Raising temperatures to 28-30 degrees
Adding 1 tsp of salt per 5 gallons/ ~18 liters

That and keeping the water clean and it should be gone in no time. You want the fish healthy to fight off the parasite, so keep the water CLEAN! That is the most important thing.

I would treat the fish for ich in the old tank and after ich is gone then move over to the big tank.

Now about your cycle, to speed up your cycle raise the temperature should be at about 27 degrees. :)
If at all possible start fishless cycling the big tank now, then once the ich is gone, stop fishless and start fish in cycling the big on.
Ninjouzata said:
I havn't used quick start. Most of that stuff is rubbish anyways but imagine it wouldn't hurt to try. Not sure how much to add though
Is THIS it?
Yes this is it.
These are the solutions (API's Stress Coat, Quick Start and Water Conditioner)  that I am using whenever I do water change. I add 20ml of quick start on a daily basis. Apparently,it aids reducing ammonia levels (according to the instructions anyway and my LFS).
photo 2.JPG
These are the 2 Ich prevention and treatment (Blue Planet White Spot Remedy and Pimafix) that I am currently using. Add  There is a lot of negative comments on Pimafix but it doesn't hurt to try it since my fishes are pretty much on the verge of death at the moment.
photo 3.JPG
This is my current tank. My female guppy appears to be pregnant. The male has successfully raped her then leave her alone. So I guess I will have to start setting up my 5 gallon for that purpose.
photo (2).JPG
This photo shows the one thing that I wanted to avoid. My other female guppy found dead the morning I went to get some medication for her.
photo 1.JPG

These are the food that I am currently feeding.
photo 4.JPG
And I did some research and found out that Spectrum fish food is good for fishes as they contain garlic that helps them sweat of the Ich as well.
I am still waiting for the delivery of a few items but I am gonna post the Spectrum food picture I found on web.
One thing I am concern about is my Common Bristlenose is always hanging around this area. I fed some algae capsule but I have no idea if he had anything to eat. My Marble Bristlenose seems to be doing just fine.
photo 5.JPG
Furthermore, my male platy has been sitting at the bottom of the tank on top of the gravel half of the time.
photo 2 (2).JPG
The other half of the time, he has been swimming around chasing the females. I am not sure if he is sick or not.
photo 1 (2).JPG
Sorry about the quality of the picture. I used my Ipad so there isn't any shutter speed adjustment.
I will provide an update once I have received the items I bought online. Considering UV filter for my tank as well. Most of the people saying it is a useless device but one of the employee from UV manufacturer proved them half wrong by sharing how the filter works to remove Ich (and other bacterias) when they are cycling. I also found a website explaining how it works.
My guppies are not eating and spitting out food. They look energetic tho. Swimming around exploring the tank. They do chase after the food but show no interest.
Lots of comments about internal parasite, stress, incompatible with other fish or pregnancy. I don't think they are stress compared to the last couple of days, the female is pregnant (I guess) but the male isn't eating either. I do not think it is internal parasite (the worm) because they do not show any symptoms of the disease at all. I am guessing it has something to do with constipation? I will try fine chopped peas.
If you havn't already I think you should make another thread about your platys. I'm sorry I'm not of any help with them :( What does their poo look like? Or have they not gone?

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