Rainbowfish With A Problem?

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Le Sorcier

Fish Crazy
Oct 8, 2007
Reaction score

This is one of my Blue Rainbowfish. I noticed he had this mark on his side yesterday. It looks like a spot and is slightly raised from the surface of his body (if that makes sense?). Just wondered if anyone out there might know what it was?
He shares his tank with Boesmani and Dwarf Neon Rainbows, Polka Dot Loach, Angelfish, Bristlenose, Corys, Kuhlis and Black Ruby Barbs. And an Oto!!

Many thanks in advance.
View attachment 61397

This is one of my Blue Rainbowfish. I noticed he had this mark on his side yesterday. It looks like a spot and is slightly raised from the surface of his body (if that makes sense?). Just wondered if anyone out there might know what it was?
He shares his tank with Boesmani and Dwarf Neon Rainbows, Polka Dot Loach, Angelfish, Bristlenose, Corys, Kuhlis and Black Ruby Barbs. And an Oto!!

Many thanks in advance.

Do any of the others have a mark like that? Does it look like cotton wool? Does he fight? Is he still the same apart from this mark? ie eating, pooping etc...

Yes he seems fine apart from the small mark/lump. I am hoping it is just a bite/scratch and not anything more sinister?

It doesn't look like cotton wool no.


Yes he seems fine apart from the small mark/lump. I am hoping it is just a bite/scratch and not anything more sinister?

It doesn't look like cotton wool no.


does he try to rub against anything like its irritating him? or is he darting about or swimming differently?

Yes he seems fine apart from the small mark/lump. I am hoping it is just a bite/scratch and not anything more sinister?

It doesn't look like cotton wool no.


does he try to rub against anything like its irritating him? or is he darting about or swimming differently?

No he seems perfectly normal in other regards.

Maybe the lump is a tumor? :crazy:

That's what I thought it might be?
Is the lump hard looking, or soft like filled with fluid.
Any redness or pinkness to the lump.
No redness or pinkness, it looks like a little wart (thats the best way I can describe it). He continues to show no ill effects so I'm still puzzled as to what it is?

All you can do is isolate and try a bacterial med.

Wart growths can also be lymthocystis.

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