Tank Update! What U Think Guys!


Fish Crazy
Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
Rainham, Essex
Heya all some of you may have read my old thread on my new marine tank setup! well heres a little update for you with a few piccys!!
Remember this is how wee started out :
And this is it today :
Much improved dont you think?
Ill put a few more pics up in a bit but me cams just gone flat!! check back!
Hey, major turnaround, way to go :good:. Tank looks great! How old is it now?
hey guys thanks 4 all the comments!!
in answer to a few of your questions,
the tank is now four and a bit months old
inhabbitants = 2 perc clown fish, 1 bicolour blenny, 1 long spined sea urchine, 1 pencil urchine, 3 cleaner shrimp, usual snails and crabs
corels = 1 xenia frag, 1 mushroom leather, 1 pussy leather, 1 staghorn leather, 1 finger leather (seeing a theme here lol) 2 different set of coloured shrooms and a few zoos scattered here and there, oooo and a star polyp :) forgot the yellow polyps 2 lol

like i say soon as me cams up ill see if i can get some close ups for you! any requests?
love the look you've put together! could we get a close-up of the pencil urchin?

Also what substrat are you using?
your wish is my command,
hes very well cammoed!! pain 2 get the camera to focus on him but u get the idea :)

the substrate is figi crushed corel sand comes in 20kg bags from my lfs its not live or anything i just let it seed from the live rock its excellent stuff not the tiny it all compacts together but not so large the snails and stuff cant move it!

any more requests?
urban aquatics, its in rainham essex directly opposite the albian pub, their dry good selection is excellent, the live stuff can be hit and miss all my corels have come from there bar 2 little ones and they are all fab but u have to be patient and wait for the good stuff to come in, fish are in good condition aswell although they dont really have that large a marine collection, if i want it they order it for me, simple as lol :)
few more pics at last :)
my long spined urchine :
kenny the blenny :


2 of the shrimps on a detached and moved shroom :

my pussy leather :

my mushroom leather look closely underneath and u can see a couple of little babies its spawned off :) :

finally my finger leather and almost a good pic of my 2 clowns who never sit still for a photo! :

nething else u wanna see just ask :) let me know what u thinks :)
I was curious if you could mix some crushed coral with sand as well or would it better to just go with one or the other. I have some sand but I like the crushed coral look that ur tank has. Thanks in advance. Dave

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