Angel fish from the past


Naturally First
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Apr 29, 2012
Reaction score
Hokitika, New Zealand
Found this photo. This is a group of my breeding Angels. We don't seem to see them like this anymore. Note the under gravel filter. These fish would be separated when I wanted to breed them. Not paired for life as some say. They would hang together in this holding tank until I would remove them for spawning. They were very happy with each others company.
IMG_20210828_0001 (2).jpg
Note the price $10 that was as I was selling some of them off, from memory there were about 10 fish in this tank at one stage.
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Note the price $10 that was as I was selling some of them off, from memory there were about 10 fish in this tank at one stage.
I don't think I have the negative anymore. I was trying to find a photo of my old Marble Oscar and came across this. It got me thinking some of these guys have just disappeared over time.
Most chain stores and photography stores sell scanners for negatives. They simply scan the negative into a computer and convert it into a digital image, which can be edited and then used to print off pictures. A lot of photo stores will actually put your negatives on disc if you pay them. It's not that expensive but can be if you have lots of negatives.
Superveils, hard to tell from the photo but they look like Marbles. Two Veil genes. They are around but not many people like them because of the extra long saggy fins. Any two fish with a veil gene (V+) will produce some superveils (V/V).
How long ago was the pic taken?
They were Marbles the fish on the right was almost a pure Black, But when bred with another Black I had, they produced pure Black Fry.
Wow....I was 15 at the time..."if I only knew then..."

You've kept fish this entire time, ever since?
I started keeping fish in 1974 aged 13, At home I had a fish room with 45 tanks in it. I was a nerdy kid that spent my whole life in my fish room over those years. I managed to breed a huge number of fish, and have a huge amount of fun. Fish have always been in my life.
I started keeping fish in 1974 aged 13, At home I had a fish room with 45 tanks in it. I was a nerdy kid that spent my whole life in my fish room over those years. I managed to breed a huge number of fish, and have a huge amount of fun. Fish have always been in my life.
45 tanks, aged 13?

Extraordinary....a true afficionado
I started keeping fish in 1974 aged 13, At home I had a fish room with 45 tanks in it. I was a nerdy kid that spent my whole life in my fish room over those years. I managed to breed a huge number of fish, and have a huge amount of fun. Fish have always been in my life.
Winning "Best Furnished Aquarium at the National Fish Show"
How awesome is that!

Thanks for sharing....I love vintage stuff...the good old days ;)

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