Zebra Danios Dying And Being Attacked Help!


New Member
Aug 26, 2011
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I have had my zebra danios a while and others I have had have died. But this one seemed to have the symptoms of swim bladder for about just over 2 weeks. I have been treating it but he is getting worse.

He can't eat cos he can't control his direction. His swimming strength isn't deteriorating but he now stays at the bottom of the tank mainly and when he try's to swim, just head butts the ground.

My ghost shrimp keep attacking it now and it's heart breaking to see! I feel I should put it out of his misery but don't know how, and what if it's the wrong thing to do!
you can do a few things.
take him out and put him in a bag (no water) and freeze him.
or you can take him out, put him in the bag with no water and stomp on him. killing him instantly.. personally i don't like doing this.. so i freeze if the fish is going and i know there isn't anything i can do.

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