Would Synodontis Eat 1.5-2 Inch Giant Danios?


Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2007
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I have six 1.5 to 2 inch giant danios I need to put somewhere til they are fully grown and no longer snack bar sized for my oscar. Would a 6-7 inch synadontis eat them? I have a big tank with 3 synos and 3 plecos in it that is well over filtered and stuff, so there is room in the tank both per gallon and realistic filtering to put the 6 danios at their current size in until everyone gets moved back to where they should go (tank issues, pacu issues, long stories)

but anyway, the synos have never bothered anything, I just thought I would ask first :)

Thanks all!
well they've been in there for 2 days and no ones been eaten :)
Nah they should be fine. My synos, spread over three tanks live with Endlers, betta ladies and Malawi babies, literally just spat (they breed in that tank) and they don't eat any of them. Actually the Endler fry are the smallest they live with and they don't get touched by anything other then the angels. The pair are there to keep the numbers down or I'd have a 55g looking like a sardine tin. :rolleyes:
Nah they should be fine. My synos, spread over three tanks live with Endlers, betta ladies and Malawi babies, literally just spat (they breed in that tank) and they don't eat any of them. Actually the Endler fry are the smallest they live with and they don't get touched by anything other then the angels. The pair are there to keep the numbers down or I'd have a 55g looking like a sardine tin. :rolleyes:

lol they seem to be doing fine. The synos are only intrested in their cucumber and prawns it seems :) thanks so much for the reply :)

I know what you mean with the endlers! I have quite a few endler sardine tins at the moment it seems :rolleyes: lol

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