Will Figure 8's Eat All These?

Oct 28, 2005
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Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
I've just got back from my LFS with my monthly supply of live/frozen food and i'm just checking to see what I can give to my figure 8's.

They've already had frozen and live bloodworm so I know their ok with that and I guess their ok with all the following but I just want to check!!

- Frozen Bloodworm
- Live Bloodworm
- Frozen Daphina/Bloodworm/Tubiflex Mix
- Frozen Black Mosquito Larvae
- Frozen Ghost Shrimp
- Frozen Chopped Mussles

Plus. there's live snails added a few times a week

All this OK?!
All of those foods would be fine. Figure 8's can be picky about certain foods, my wont touch tubifex (unless live) or daphnia. Other foods like Krill, Ocean Plankton, Cockle, and Brine Shrimp are eagerly eaten by most figure 8's.

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