Wild Bettas


Fish Addict
Dec 30, 2006
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my friend (who has been keeping fish for YEARS) was debating getting wild-type bettas. since these aren't the betta splendids, are they still "fighting fish" or are they okay to keep together (males together). he's only had a few VTs but he's really interested in the wild type. i'm guessing the care's no different, but if it is, correct me. he was hoping to get a large tank and keep some in there, a sorority if no males, but if they can be mixed, he'd love to get some of both.
hmmm he didn't specify...

i'll have to ask him tomorrow. but it's possible to keep some
types together?
It all depends on the type of wild betta.

A few examples:

Betta Coccina

Temperament: Timid; Betta coccina is very timid, and they will spend most of their time hiding behind plants. Several male and female specimens may be housed together, but both males and females may become territorial when spawning. Territorial disputes very rarely result in any injury. Betta coccina should only be housed with the gentlest of species.

Diet: Carnivore; Feed with bloodworm, mosquito larvae, artemia and tubifex. Live food is preferred but frozen is also accepted. They may be conditioned to accept a high quality flake or pellet but these should still be supplemented with live and frozen foods.

Care: Requires dedicated and specialized care. Water changes should be performed sparingly with aged, pretreated water. Filtration should be modest, and water treated with peat. Betta Coccina are timid. The tank should be heavily planted and dimly lit with a dark substrate and background.

Betta Imbellis

Temperament: Peaceful; Peaceful

Diet: Carnivore; Carnivore

Care: Will accept live, frozen, freeze-dried and flake foods. Floating plants are appreciated.

Comments: Betta imbellis is a good fish for a quiet, peaceful community tank. Males can be kept together in a large enough tank. As with other Betta species, make sure there is a cover as they are good jumpers. These fish are much more peaceful than the Siamese Fighting Fish.

Betta Macrostoma

Temperament: Timid; Often shy in a community tank so it would better if housed in a species tank.

Diet: Carnivore; will eat meats, live foods, and commercial betta food.

Care: Same as Betta Splenden, Keep males separated.

Have very very picky PH requirements

Betta Pugnax

Temperament: Territorial; Unlike the Siamese Fighting Fish, Betta pugnax males can be kept together. It is recommended to keep more males than females in an aquarium. During spawning the male will become extremely agressive.

Diet: Carnivore; Carnivore

Care: Feed flakes and frozen blood worms. Water movement in the aquarium is required, but surface agitation should be kept to a minimum. Lower lighting levels are recommended and can be achieved by adding some floating plants.

There are tons more these are just some examples.
i'll have to send him here. his goal in life is to open up an ethical fish store.
i can see it now. one male betta in a 20g tank.
that store would be huge :lol:

naw, i love josh. he's amazing. he's the one who got me into the fishies.

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