What Sort Of Realy Big Typs Of Gouramis Are Out There


Nov 4, 2005
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i have seen a realy big white one befor but i dont no what typs you can get that grew realy big and i dont no what you would call them or the kind of colors u can get
looks nice how many difrent colors can u get and an Osphronemus gourami and a Giant gourami are the same typ right ?
im thinking of geting one so do the difrent color one have some difrent name that i could ask a pet store to order for me ? the one i saw a fair time back was white and just called a Giant gourami ......i was thinking of looking at some other colors befor asking the pet shop to try geting one for me

im thinking of geting one so do the difrent color one have some difrent name that i could ask a pet store to order for me ? the one i saw a fair time back was white and just called a Giant gourami ......i was thinking of looking at some other colors befor asking the pet shop to try geting one for me
Giant gouramis can get kind of insanely large...

I think kissing gouramis can get quite big too, but a more manageable kind of big :p

Check the species index.
would they get to big for a 110 gallon tank?
Yes, they will get bigger then 2' and need a tank twice the size of yours. Kissing and snakeskin gouramis wound be a safer bet.
oh well sounds like i may not be able to get one >>>>>>>>>>>i dont wish to get a Kissing gouramis i dont realy like the look of them ...they are okay but just not my thing pluss im not shore if a kissing gourami would be okay with a black shark cuz i dont no how big a kissing one gets and from what i read on the net realy big gouramis are the ones that are okay to put with it

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