What Do People Recon Of These


Fish Addict
Jul 10, 2007
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admitadly its not the lampeyes i was after but they are for stunning fish, would this be suitaible for a beginner like me and more importantly would my tank a 18x12x2 planted tank be suitable for them once they hatch?
any and all information welcomed
help a newbie get it right :)
all the best
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I would say no to Rachovi if your a complete beginner simply because the fry are very small and IMO need infusorians for the first couple of days of their lives before going on to BBS. They are annuals. If its annuals your after for a beginner you'd be much better looking out for Nothobranchius palmqvisti or Nothobranchius guentheri. admitidly not as colourful but a damm sight easier than N. rachovi. also their eggs have a shorter incubation/diapause than Rachovi.
I would say no to Rachovi if your a complete beginner simply because the fry are very small and IMO need infusorians for the first couple of days of their lives before going on to BBS. They are annuals. If its annuals your after for a beginner you'd be much better looking out for Nothobranchius palmqvisti or Nothobranchius guentheri. admitidly not as colourful but a damm sight easier than N. rachovi. also their eggs have a shorter incubation/diapause than Rachovi.
hey thank you for the reply, and the advice id love to get into killis but im realy not sure how to go about it since my current 10 gallon has ottos and shrimp and im under the impression theyll get eaten i realy realy like lampeyes but i havnt been able to find any anywhere no matter how hard i look nor what scientific name i use thats the main reason for my other post
are there anyother killis that would do well in this set up or should i wait and get a second tank when funds allow?
The shrimp would be more of a problem than Ottoclinclus. Lampeyes would be perfect or maybe PS. annulatus. If you are serious, live in the UK and don't mess the guy about I could give you a contact for some clown killies http://tinyurl.com/2kv3qk
I don't have any fry at present but he (to my knowledge still has some, if yer lucky) He will charge you a price for the fish and postage and will probably request you to return the polystyrene box. They will be in a rainwater mix so acclimatizing them will be slow. Do a little research first and see if your up to the task of both feeding and housing this species and let me know what you decide.
ill keep trying to find some lamp eyes then if i cant get any ill try and talk to the guy you speak of, i should be getting a second tank donated from my nan, (she had a stroke and cant look after it anymore so i get it) and this means my 10gallon will be free for more unusual stocking since i can have bread and butter fish in the donated tank. killis facinate me and im realy interested in getting some i think they'd compliment my planted tank brilliantly
is there any reading material on the internet i can look up info on that you know of?
thank you gareth

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