Wanted 4x Females Bristlenose Plec Posted


Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
taunton somerset uk
hi we have to many males so wld like to buy some more females breeding age.
been quoted bit much i think for some,
going to see if can get them little cheaper can swap male bristlenose cant post,
females to be posted to us ill pay thru paypal only its selfest way sorry..........

thx for looking
well, its not how much i charge, its how much my lfs chargers lol, they do mature ones at £8 each...

im not making anything on them dont worry, simply doing it to help you
£6 is not really to much, especially when you got maiden head doing them at....

(----------------------) £6 each

(------------------------------------------) £12

(---------------------------------------------------------------) £16

MY lfs

(-----------------------) £4

(------------------------------------------------------) £8

(--------------------------------------------------------------------------) £15
still lookingfor some as the ones had from paul are dead when i had trouble with water all my tanks are good now

so now looking for some more if anyone got some and at goodprice plus anyone got any longfin bristlenose be great aswell adults or young adults
we live in taunton
thx for looking
i got loads of BN's but they are still young..

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