Vote Now! - July 2021 Tank of the Month contest (17 to 30 G)

Vote Now for July 2021 Tank of the Month

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TFF Contest Czar
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Tank of the Month 🏆
Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
Tank of the Month

We have 6 awesome tanks entered in Fishforums' July 2021 Tank of the Month contest featuring tanks sized at 17 to 30 gallons. View all the tanks and descriptions below and then go to top of this thread and click on your choice for TOTM and then click the "Cast" button.

It’s best to view these awesome tanks on a computer screen or a tablet instead of a small phone screen.

Please Note:
Any attempt to influence competition results, other than by casting your allocated vote, is not permitted and may result in your entry being removed and / or further action being taken. This is a public poll so source of votes can be viewed.

Winner will be awarded a neat "Tank of the Month Winner" banner in his profile area and will be featured in a "TOTM Winner" thread for all to see and to comment on. Winner will also be added to our TOTM WALL OF FAME

This poll will end on July 14th at 3:51 PM ET (US)

Please DO NOT post any comments about specific tanks in this thread...such posts will promptly be deleted. This thread will be cleaned up occasionally for best readability.
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May as well enter the first of my breeder tanks that I just finished!
It's approx 18g 60x30x36cm starfire glass tank.
Substrate: bottom layer is organic garden soil, middle layer is Amazonia 2.0/gravel mix and capping is ADA La Plata sand.
Hardscape: round lava rock and spiderwood.
Background: Pink baby tears. alternanthera reineckii, rotala rotundifolia colorata (was tissue culture so still growing), filigree milfoil.
Midground: AR mini, S.Repens, Hygrophila Corymbosa, crypt wendtii brown, java fern, hydrocotyle tripartita Japan, mayaca fluviatilis,
Foreground: Monte carlo, eleocharis acicularis hairgrass.
Moss: Mini Taiwan moss and Java moss.

No livestock so far as I'm still cycling the tank but I hope to eventually house some pea puffers and try to get some babies!
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July 2021 TOTM.jpg

Talked me into it although this looks a lot better in person. This is one of my oldest tanks 29 gallons. Contains about 11 Rainbow fish, including male and female sets for each goup (no fry in over a year but then I've read their fry are terribly small. Honestly not wild about the rainbows other than their colors ran from super bright to very subtle but as fish they aren't particularly social or friendly. I have one very sweet Honey Gourami iand 6 - yes 6 - Bristlenose Lemon Plecos. So far most appear to be females but several are still to small to tell but of the bigger ones all female LOL. What are the odds. Purchased from Imperial Tropicals in two sets of orders about 6 months apart. They still have a long way before any of them get to 6-8 inches but the babies are so cute I'd almost prefer they stay small. Not a one is showing a single bristle on it's head yet. I love the pleco's because they are very hardy and nothing seems to bother them. They don't even bother to hide from me any more (they don't like cameras though). The poor single Honey gourami will get some friends soon I hope. I have to move my HUGE, GIGANTIC DoJo Loaches to their new 90 gallon tank that should arrive this week (by carrier no less and it's only a 70 lb acrylic. Been waiting 8 weeks to get it. All the big aquariums are now all using acrylic tanks so it's become hard to find. Glass would have been great but I could not match a 90 or 100 gallon size glass tank to the correct size stand and I've run out of cabinets - and not sure my old antique cabinets could hold up to 900-1000 lbs of water. I need to let the thing cycle then totally clean out the 50 gallon that - with the DoJo's has produced nothing but white algae for 6 months so this has to be a very special cleaning. Then I'll retire this lovely tank. I'm not easily able to clean tanks any longer (unless I have to) so I pay a guy to come by once per week to do a cleaning so after shelling out several thousand dollars for the 90 gallon and my saltwater tank I can't afford to pay him to clean more tanks. Luckily I've heard that saltwater tanks don't require a lot of cleaning if you get the right animals and don't over feed. He does a great job but we cannot get rid of the white cloud algae that I'm guessing (hoping) is due to having too small of tank for the DoJo. I'm counting on the 90 gallon to be able to handle their massive poops better than the 50 gallon and will also be using a canister filter Fluval 004. Spared no expense on the tank, stand and filter. At the same time I am just dying to get started building my first reef tank. I have everything I think including water purifiers, protein skimmers. Live rock, live sand etc. It has a built in sump with lots of places to stick media but no easy way to add a refugium unless I attach a separate table and get a 10 gallon tank. Maybe later. Haven't been here much because I've been reading and watching videos on saltwater/reef building as well as how to clear up white algae (to no success). I've tried EVERYTHING everybody mentions other than a bigger tank. So hears hoping. And above is my LAST 29 gallon tank that will be making it's trip to the basement in the next month or two so I thought I'd better enter it now!

Good Luck everybody - Jan C.

This my 30gallon which should only house my 20 serpae tetra, a nerite snail and one ghost shrimp (but have guests while their tank cycles another week or so.)
I've always really admired serpae tetra because of how boisterous they are, their shape and general school behavior. They actually sort of remind me of miniature piranha lol I have had this tank going for I think 6 months now. It was my sorority betta tank which was disbanded and recycled fairly easy as no illness happened.
So in this tank I've planted 6 or 7 amazon swords and 6 or 7 Kleiner swords. The hornwort just floats and falls wherever the flow takes it haha.
I use seachem flourish tabs every 3 weeks, seachem comprehensive liquid fertilizer every week after water change, 50 % water change every week- lights for 8 hrs, a plant led and a white fluorescent bulb. Temp is kept 75°F, ph is 7, ammonia 0, nitrate 5 nitrite 0 Gh 7.
Substrate is playsand capped and under is natural pea gravel
Driftwood is mopani and I collected oak leaves to give the water a bit of stain. I am still working on finding an amount of tannins to satisfy my aesthetic goal as well as maintaining my plants. I plan on adding more swords, compact varieties and crypts to fill in the right corner and add moss maybe to help blend the wood that's going on taking up space vertically. I think that's all I have to say, thanks!
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click to view video

Unfortunately poor video of my 80l tank - please don't judge me on my tablet camera, tremor and my camera work!

This is my first tank, set up 6+ weeks ago and fully cycled about 1 week ago. The water is still a little tannin stained from the wood so that, the black gravel, and the dark background, give it a moody feel.

I have planted the tank with 9 different species of plant, including Java moss, and added CO2 via diffusion from an upturned bottle. Apart from the central piece of spider wood and some bog wood, there are a couple of rocks and a slate cave which is a bit big for the fish!

My tank parameters are:
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10
pH 7 to 7.5
GH 3
KH 2

Temp. 27°C

My brand new fish are a pair of natural coloured honey gourami - who spawned within a day - and 4 peacock gudgeon gobies; 1 male and a harem of 3 females (none of whom seem to fancy him, poor thing). And today I added 3 nerite snails.
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This is my 20g L freshwater tank. I actually have it because of the people here. I originally had a 10 gallon tank when I first started fishkeeping, but the people of Tropical Fish Forums taught me that 10 gal is too small for mollies and platies (thank you all), and recommended I get a 20g L. My parents agreed and I got the 20g. The tank has been set up since beginning of January and the only animals i’ve gotten was a BN pleco in February. I do water changes every Sunday, and every other week I do a DEEP clean.

2 Nerite Snails
4 Mollies (1 female gold lyretail, 1 male black, 2 fry that I think I want to keep)
3 Platies (Breeding pair and 1 of their 35 fry that I kept)
1 BN pleco

3 Amazon Swords
Java ferns
A lot of hornwort and more coming in a couple weeks

Temp: 78 degrees farenheit
pH: 7.8
Nitrate: 10 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Ammonia: 0 ppm

Hikari Algae Wafers (every other day for pleco)
Omega One Freshwater Flakes (4 time a week)
Hikari freeze dried Bloodworms (2 time a week)
Omega One freeze dried Brine Shrimp (every Saturday)

I also use API Leaf Zone and API CO2 Booster. I also use Algaefix but that hasn’t really helped with blue green algae. I have stuff for that coming though.

Hope you like it!
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This is my “Pompeii” tank (20g tall). This tank has been running about 8 months and has gone through quite a bit of change. It used to house a hatchling yellow bellied slider turtle, but the turtle destroyed the plants so was moved to another tank. The goal of this tank is to create a densely planted, low-tec tank on a budget. I have been pleased with the the slow but steady spread and growth of the dwarf sag in the foreground. The red stem plants came from a local pond in the area. I assume they are some type of ludwigia but I am not sure what kind. For lighting I use 3 small clamp lamps with adjustable necks set to run for 8 hours a day. Filtration is 2 HOB filters with face shields placed over them to reduce flow. Substrate is Black Diamond Blasting sand, the rocks are red lava rock, and the volcano and pipe are from Petco. There is also some driftwood that the windolev is attached to. I used the seachem root tabs as the only fertilizer. It has been fun to take care of this tank and watch it slowly grow.

3 cherry barbs
3 albino corydoras
3 otocinclus
1 albino bristlenose pleco

Windolev Java fern
Java fern
Amazon sword
Some type of ludwigia
Dwarf sag
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End of Entries:
Please slowly scroll up as you review the 6 entries and then cast your vote in the poll at the top of the thread. Thanks for participating in our TOTM contest and good luck to our entrants.

Our very popular Pet of the Month contest will start accepting entries in mid July. Get those pet pics ready to enter the contest.
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39 votes have been cast so far. Keep 'em coming. Let's have a huge turnout for our TOTM poll.

Our very popular Pet of the Month contest will start accepting entries in mid July. Get those pet pics ready to enter the contest.
Only a bit over ONE day left to vote. If you haven't yet voted, please vote now.

We are now accepting entries for our popular Pet of the Month contest. Take a good pic of your household pet and enter the contest soon.
We have a winner for July's TOTM contest. Congrat to Mick85 on your super cool 18 gallon nicely set up tank. You will soon receive a TOTM Winner banner in your profile area and you will be added to our Tank of the Month Wall of Fame
You may congratulate the winner in our TOTM winner thread.
Congrat to Mick85 on your super cool 18 gallon nicely set up tank. You will soon receive a TOTM Winner banner in your profile area and you will be added to our Tank of the Month Wall of Fame

We are now accepting entries for our popular Pet of the Month contest. Take a pic of your pet and enter the contest.

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