Stocking levels


New Member
Apr 25, 2005
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I currently have a 20 gallon tank in which I have

4 congo tetras
10neon tetras
1pink kissing gourami
5 beacon fish
6 penguin tetras

the tank is well established and I complete weekly water changes to keep everything running smoothly.

Now that I have moved I have decided to upgrade to a bigger tank approx 100gallons 4ft wide 2ft high and 1.5 ft deep ish, this is to rehome some of the bigger fish such as the gourami and the congo tetras which are still not completely mature and up to size.

I wanted to know what kind of stocking levels I could build up to once my new tank is well established?
I would deffinatley add to your tetra schoals! :nod: Could easily add uop to 10 - 12 congos, 12 penguins, and alot more neons. :D

You could add another pink kissing gourami for a pair. They preffer being in pairs.

I think fish look so much batter when they are in larger groups. But that is of course if u want to add more and not other fish. A 100gallon should accomodate alot more fish, and im glad to here that your upgrading, cause i think your fish really needed it! :p

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