Shrimps.. Being eaten by my fish ??????


New Member
Jun 3, 2005
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Reading, England
I bought 2 ghost shrimps at the weekend and placed them in my tank. They immediately dissappeared, so i left them to it but they were not seen again! The next morning i checked the tank and found one under a log, but since that time they have both gone without a trace, and i have checked the tank inside out.......
Have my fish take a liking to them ??
I have sterbei corys, neon tetras, a plec and a siamese fighter.
All the fish are small, the largest being the fighter( about 1.5 inches ), is it possible someone has eaten them ????
well in nature fish eat the little river shrimp. same thing in the tank, its the betta, one of the live foods recomended for them are ghost shrimp.
We got 13 amano shrimp for our comunity tank and didnt see them for 3-4 months - they came out when they were bigger and didnt feel threatend.

They had a fighter, a 10" plec, 2x 4" plecs, 6 black ruby bards (fiesty buggers) and at times 10 bristle nose plecs to deal with (among other fish too)

They may well re surface in time :) - we still have 11 - one climed out of the tank and cooked in the lights :X and the other did just dissaper...
when shrimp move tanks the hide as soon as they find a hole big enough for them but too small for the fish to get them, once they molt their shell they will come out more
Robbo851 said:
when shrimp move tanks the hide as soon as they find a hole big enough for them but too small for the fish to get them, once they molt their shell they will come out more
Sorry to high jack the thread, i bought 2 amoured shrimp a little while back and i have heard they are very shy creatures, well for the last week i havn't seen them around and this morning i found a shrimp shell- does this indicate they died and have all been eaten apart from their shells/armour or that they molted and are living happily somwhere in the tank under all the rocks and planting?
No - its shedded. I couldnt find any trace of mine for months, I looked everywhere, and then all of a sudden they started to come out, and are not scared anymore!
Phew, im glad that its jump they are molting because i lost some of my corys due to all the hot weather i have been having down where i live and was worried the heat killed off the shrimp too("big sigh of relief :flex: ").
Oh, i have just seen both of my amoured shrimp! they must have been hiding in a large sea shell in the tank, they've made a little dug out underneif it, im so happy :D !
I have a total of 6 now, bought some more to increase the chances of seeing them !
Unfortunately they are very small at present and i have lost 2, one swam into the pump somehow ( ? ) and was found on my sponge filter.
I have seen the others hiding now, but they have not ventured out yet. I have also found 2 shells indicating they are stil around....
Just hope they can make it to adulthood...Anyone know how long it takes for them to reach full size ???
My shrimps always seem to make their dugout nests undenief some rocks or similar tank ornements where there is alot of flow from the filter being directed- i think they do this because it helps them to feed more efficiently so making somwhere similar for them to go where fish can't get in will probably draw them to it so you can see them more often :thumbs: .

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