Robjack's Lowtech 50 Litre Journal [growing]

Thanks, will do. Would it be advisable to switch the photoperiod from 8 hours @ 2wpg to say 6 or 5 hours? Without nutrients, I'd hate algae to get the upperhand, as I do intend on using the plants for the new scape.


Yeh that might be a good idea, but I would see if anyone else thinks the same, dont really sure when it come to things like this!
Back from holiday (had an amazing time), and the tank was overflowing with growth! The bulb had taken over the middle of the tank, and the water sprite the rest; whilst the Java Ferns showed noticable growth, as well as the crypts, HM, etc.

So yesterday, I set about the overhall. A laterite base, with sand on top, then more or less the same layout, hardscape-wise. As for the plants, I've got rid of the water sprite, taken out the Java Moss tiles, removed the overgrown bulb, and replaced it with a bulb with much less growth in the back left corner (hoping to "bonsai" this one - anyone with any advice on how?). The H. Polysperma I've put along the back, with a view to it eventually covering the heater, and also in an attempt to, overtime, "merge" the two pieces of wood as a bridge between them. With the HM I've tried a new planting style (horizontally) in an effort to encourage it to grow sideways, so it should be interesting to see how it responds.


I also changed one of the Tropical bulbs for a Freshwater one, and I like the effect it gives *so* much more. The shrimp as well as the plants seem far more attractive. Whilst at the LFS today, I also invested in four Ottos, and they've immediately got to work clearing all the algae off the crypts that had accumalated whilst I was away.

I think I learnt a fair amount during the first "phase" of this tank, so hopefully now it should prosper (as always, with the assistance of the TFF'ers ;) )

Thanks again,

A week on and everything's growing really well, and the fish/shrimp look very healthy. Oto's are so good at eating algae!

Performed a 20% Water Change today, am dosing excel as per the bottle daily, and Interpet Flora Boost weekly - I've ordered some Flourish fert for when the Flora Boost runs out, and also another filter (Hydor Duo K20) as my water isn't quite crystal, plus I can use my current one in a smaller tank (Thanks Sam for helping me choose!). I intend to run both filters in this tank for a week or so, to allow the Hydor to build up bacteria and such, but will this be long enough?

Anyway, my only concern is some weird hairy stuff that's attaching itself to my HM. Not all of the leaves are like this, but is it algae? The Otos do seem to sometimes peck at it, but not with quite the verocity that they leave for other plants :D

A quick pic:


Any ideas?

Many thanks,

Looks like the start of hair algae, but I have noticed my plants get this in a new tank sometimes. Watch and wait i think, do you have any algae shrimp in there?

As to the filter I tend to run mine together for about a month before talking the old one out, its better to be safe. If you do it to early and there is an NH3 or NO2 spike it can create untold algae problems.

Thanks for the reply,

Maybe I'll just wait and see how it develops then. Perhaps it could be related to having an under-filtertered tank? Bits of rubbish flying around et tout ca - You did say from the start that the Filstar i1 would be too little, I should have listened :blush:.

So I'll run the two filters for longer, then. I hear Otos are quite sensitive to NH3/NO2 spikes. Oh, I don't have any algae-eating shrimp in their, just 3 Ghost shrimp.

Anyone any other ideas on the strange HM stuff?

Thanks again,


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