Removing Algae From Plants


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:/ How do you remove algae form plant leaves? I have a couple live Amazon Swords and the leaves are dotted with green algae. If I try to rub the algae off of the plants, the leaves just strat to rip and I don't want to harm the plants. I really want to get the algae off because it looks horrible! Any suggestions? :unsure:
If the algae is too unsightly and you need a quick fix (it will grow back if you dont follow the guidelines that Rose has mentioned :nod: ) you can try dipping the plants in a 1:20 solution of bleach for 1min followed by a thorough wash in plain water and then in water having dechlorinator.
I'm not sure, if it's "green spot algae", I don't think there's any fish that will eat it, or any way to scrape it off. Could be wrong.
Rubberlip pleco sometimes eat green spot algae, as well as "red" oto.
:D Thanks for the advive! I have one oto, but maybe I should get a couple more. Would the bleach hurt the plants if I put them in it? :unsure:
Is that a joke?? I can tell you now your plants will not be happy if you place them in bleach :lol: Be careful using bleach full stop around your aquarium it not very nice to living things!

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