Potty training puppy


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Happy Valley, Utah...Otherwise known as Spanish Fo
Kole, my 10 week old Austrail seepdog mix puppy is refusing to be potty trained!! He will go on paper if you are watching him but if you aren't....It's hopless....He just stops whatever he is doing and goes wherever he happens to be...I'm gonna go insaane picking up after him..Does anyone have any advice?
I had to potty train 3 puppies at once,and what i did I took them outside every 2 hours or sooner if it seemed necessary,and I would cheer them on to 'go potty!'. Whenever they squatted and did their business I praised them heavily with playing and belly rubs and verbal praise and they absolutely loved it. They learned in about 10 days that 'going potty!' got a reward of affection and playing. It takes alot of dedication and devotion,but it works! (Of course I did do 3 at a time..I'm sure one is so much easier!) :)

Good luck! :thumbs:
It may sound harsh, but get a crate. Get it so that they have enough room to stand up, turn around, and lay down with all their legs spread out. DO NOT GET IT TOO BIG!! leave the puppy in the crate unless she is right with you. Take her outside on a regular basis. When she goes give her three small pieces of a treat and praise her. If she doesn't go, she goes back into the crate. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me

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