Need definative info!


Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
Glasgow | Currently: Cambridgeshire
Hey, i'm relatively new to planted aquariums. I've been trolling these forums and every page that's been posted to calculate the wattage! But every place I try gives me a different result...

So would anyone be able to help me out on what wattage of bulb to get, and what type of bulb.

I've got a 10 gallon (uk) tank... 18"x12"x12"
I'm using play sand as a substrate, and hoping to plant some easy/moderately easy plants!

If anyone can shed some light (arf arf) on the subject, i'd be forever grateful :p
watts per gallon has not set rule. If you take a tall 40g and a long 40g the plants on the bottom don't get the same amout of light even with the same lights. If you could get 20w of full spectrum light in there most green plants will grow. 40w would be better for red, purple, and off colored plants. But the temp and type of light is more inportant than the watt.
There are mixed opinions about whether more light is better than proper light, but I hold mine that you need both. You need a fair bit of light plus you have to be using the proper type of bulbs. For some reason, industrial "full spectrum" bulbs won't do the same as specialized light bulbs for plants. This, of course, is from experience in my tank, but I may be wrong, there could have been another factor that helped the growth of my tank... I'm sure lateral line will have his say in this :nod:

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